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Circular Campaign

The Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability will support companies and innovators via moderated “design thinking sprints".


This will happen together with a panel of experts from various disciplines, including material research, product and process development, business model and lifecycle analysis.

These sprints serve to illuminate the various aspects of the circular economy and help them to develop their ideas, taking all perspectives into consideration. Products and services with circular business models, which have 100% closed biological and technical material cycles and are in line with the cradle-to cradle principle, will be created.

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How it works



The Circular Campaigns are held twice a year. 


All submissions are evaluated according to predefined criteria by experts from the consortium.

In each circular campaign 6 teams will be funded. In addition to our broad range of expert knowledge, which the teams can draw on during the 6-month project phase, the teams get financial support of up to CHF 24,000 each.


The mandatory dates for the workshop-days and the presentation can be found in the timelines below. 


Please find more information and the funding criteria here:


Two steps are necessary to apply for funding.


Step 1: Application form with questions about:


  • the existing problem, your idea and motivation

  • your team (research partner is mandatory)

  • various aspects related to the topic of the circular economy

  • your business model


Please download the application (7th_Circular_Campaign_Application.pdf) and send the completed form to:


Step 2: In order to make your idea publicly visible on our website please enter your idea here (Link).

Please provide a picture, a title and information about the idea, the problem and your need for support in a very brief form.


At the end of each Circular Campaign, the public event "Meet the Circular Pioneers" will take place, where the funded teams will present their learnings and there will be enough opportunity for networking. 



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